Posts Tagged ‘counterfeit chips’

2nd Attempt at Counterfeit Chip Passing in Maryland

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

file4741238088930Maryland Live! is the largest casino in the state of Maryland and has been subject to scandal as of the past few weeks. After an incident of counterfeit chips took place just a few weeks ago, another incident has now been reported. According to the Washington Post, two people tried to pass counterfeit chips at the casino after using Hollywood Casino chips.

The couple, Ngan S. Nguyen and Dung N. Vo took several white $1 from the Hollywood Casino located at Charles Town Races, located in West Virginia to change the chips into the $100 black chips perfect for the Maryland Live! Casino. However, the chips were not perfect and officials discovered the scam. The couple now faces one count of felony theft, conspiracy to commit felony theft and two additional felony/theft related counts.

The couple were caught after investigators caught on and then used surveillance footage and information from driver’s license to record the alleged crime in action. The incident reportedly tok place over the Thanksgiving holiday where the couple exchanged the fake chips for chips of the casino during game play. The swap was seen on camera and caused the couple to be caught in action.

Back in late February, the first case of counterfeit playing chips occurred at the casino. Four people were involved in a scam to pass fake chips with values of $100 and managed to take between $1000 and $10,000. Rosa A. Nguyen and Vuong Q. Truong were found guilty of the crime and police ended up finding many fake chips after searching a lake area near the couple’s residence.

The couple was able to get the fake chips from an online purchase worth $12,000. This amount paid for $150,000 in fake chips. The couple planned on cashing in but was never able to as they were caught in the process of placing the chips into play.