Posts Tagged ‘Flipout tournament’

New Tournament Style Launches Today at Full Tilt Poker

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Full Tilt PokerFull Tilt Poker is an online poker site that provides a nice selection of cash gaming and tournament options. Today a new tournament style is being released by the online poker room that players are sure to enjoy. Flipout Tournaments will launch today on the Full Tilt Poker client, getting players straight into the action at the gaming tables.

Players will be able to flip straight to the action with this new tournament style. Everyone who wins goes right into the money. no more short stack or money bubble or hours of pressure poker. The first round of game play will consist of all players going all in to determine who the winner is. The remaining players will then be reseated according to a standard multi-table tournament format. The event will then continue according to a standard betting structure. Players who are able to win the first round flip will be automatically in the money.

Sarne Lightman spoke to PokerNews on the new tournament option and stated that Flipout is an obvious time saver. Players will be in the money for a large tournament, which can be hard to do in regular game play. The average skilled player will be able to be on the money and enjoy tournament game play in a quicker time frame.

Starting today, the new format will be available for players to enjoy. Sit-n-gos will be available that will allow for the flip round and then move the players forward, with the automatic option of being in the money. Players will be able to experience a final table and play for big money when they might not ordinarily be able to do so. It will be interesting to see how well received the new format option is by players at Full Tilt Poker.