Posts Tagged ‘Caesars Casino’

Caesars Casino to Offer New Online Gambling Campaign

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

file4741238088930Caesars Casino is hoping to bring more gamblers to their online gaming sites by pushing a new television advertising campaign this winter. The casino believes that cold weather will help to bring more players online and help to boost online gambling numbers. Starting this month, the casino will begin showing a new advertising campaign on television that will help to show that online gambling is legal in New Jersey and that the casino offers more than 120 gambling games online.

The Vice President of Digital Marketing at Caesars Entertainment, Adrian Bailey, stated that the casino wanted to make the public more aware of what the casino was offering online and then highlight the market what kinds of games are available during online game play.

According to Bailey, the advertisements for online gambling tend to die down in the summer months due to casinos assuming that players are visiting land based facilities. As the weather starts to worsen and the cold sets in, players do not travel as freely and Caesars wants to take advantage of this by advertising to the public what options are available online.

Caesars not only is reminding players that they can participate in gambling online but also on several devices. You can enjoy the gaming at Caesars online via PC, mobile tablet or mobile device. Most players still game on the PC but more players are starting to use Smartphones to take advantage of online gambling games. Mobile gaming is gaining in popularity and Caesars wants players to understand that there are several formats for gaming and actual games to enjoy.

It will be interesting to see if the advertising campaign will help to bring more players to Caesars or if the numbers stay the same. One would assume that as the weather gets colder, players will take advantage of the option to play at home with online gaming capabilities.